Additional SNPs improve risk stratification of a polygenic hazard score for prostate cancer.

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Karunamuni, RA
Huynh-Le, M-P
Fan, CC
Thompson, W
Eeles, RA
Kote-Jarai, Z
Muir, K
Lophatananon, A
UKGPCS collaborators,
Schleutker, J
Pashayan, N
Batra, J
APCB BioResource (Australian Prostate Cancer BioResource),
Grönberg, H
Walsh, EI
Turner, EL
Lane, A
Martin, RM
Neal, DE
Donovan, JL
Hamdy, FC
Nordestgaard, BG
Tangen, CM
MacInnis, RJ
Wolk, A
Albanes, D
Haiman, CA
Travis, RC
Stanford, JL
Mucci, LA
West, CML
Nielsen, SF
Kibel, AS
Wiklund, F
Cussenot, O
Berndt, SI
Koutros, S
Sørensen, KD
Cybulski, C
Grindedal, EM
Park, JY
Ingles, SA
Maier, C
Hamilton, RJ
Rosenstein, BS
Vega, A
IMPACT Study Steering Committee and Collaborators,
Kogevinas, M
Penney, KL
Teixeira, MR
Brenner, H
John, EM
Kaneva, R
Logothetis, CJ
Neuhausen, SL
Razack, A
Newcomb, LF
Canary PASS Investigators,
Gamulin, M
Usmani, N
Claessens, F
Gago-Dominguez, M
Townsend, PA
Roobol, MJ
Zheng, W
Profile Study Steering Committee,
Mills, IG
Andreassen, OA
Dale, AM
Seibert, TM
PRACTICAL Consortium,

Document Type

Journal Article



Date Accepted



BACKGROUND: Polygenic hazard scores (PHS) can identify individuals with increased risk of prostate cancer. We estimated the benefit of additional SNPs on performance of a previously validated PHS (PHS46). MATERIALS AND METHOD: 180 SNPs, shown to be previously associated with prostate cancer, were used to develop a PHS model in men with European ancestry. A machine-learning approach, LASSO-regularized Cox regression, was used to select SNPs and to estimate their coefficients in the training set (75,596 men). Performance of the resulting model was evaluated in the testing/validation set (6,411 men) with two metrics: (1) hazard ratios (HRs) and (2) positive predictive value (PPV) of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) testing. HRs were estimated between individuals with PHS in the top 5% to those in the middle 40% (HR95/50), top 20% to bottom 20% (HR80/20), and bottom 20% to middle 40% (HR20/50). PPV was calculated for the top 20% (PPV80) and top 5% (PPV95) of PHS as the fraction of individuals with elevated PSA that were diagnosed with clinically significant prostate cancer on biopsy. RESULTS: 166 SNPs had non-zero coefficients in the Cox model (PHS166). All HR metrics showed significant improvements for PHS166 compared to PHS46: HR95/50 increased from 3.72 to 5.09, HR80/20 increased from 6.12 to 9.45, and HR20/50 decreased from 0.41 to 0.34. By contrast, no significant differences were observed in PPV of PSA testing for clinically significant prostate cancer. CONCLUSIONS: Incorporating 120 additional SNPs (PHS166 vs PHS46) significantly improved HRs for prostate cancer, while PPV of PSA testing remained the same.


Prostate cancer and prostatic diseases, 2021

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