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dc.contributor.advisorBakal C
dc.contributor.authorJones, I
dc.contributor.editorBakal, C
dc.description.abstractShape and form are fundamental to biology. Acting at all scales, from the organismal to the molecular, morphology defines the functionality of biological structures. It is obvious that chemical events in the cell, influence cell morphology; we need look no further than the regulation of the cytoskeleton. However, it is becoming clear that this relationship goes both ways; while cellular biochemistry can control cell shape, so to can shape colour cellular chemistries. An excellent example of this phenomenon can be found in cell size. It is known that several cell types harbour ’size-control’ mechanisms, such to ensure that they do not deviate from a set size range when growing and dividing. The existence of such systems implies an ’optimal size’ for a given cell type, with the scale of a cell having far reaching consequences for its biochemistry. Strikingly, it has been observed that not only does the whole cell dilute as it enlarges but that different proteins do so at different rates. Thus, the balance of proteins in a cell, is directly influenced by cell growth and morphology. The relationship between cell chemistry and shape is not one-way, but rather a loop. As cell morphology depends on intracellular processes, and intracelluar processes on cell morphology, to study either in isolation can never provide a full picture. Studies must integrate data across modalities to capture cryptic inter-dependencies. Such studies are not trivial to perform and require the construction and analysis of vast data-sets, often comprised of source data generated by very different methods, each requiring individual treatment and assessment prior to integration with other sources. This complexity necessitates the application of modern computational methods to extract meaningful conclusions from data at this scale. Here, I demonstrate the power of these approaches in understanding the rich reciprocity of form and function.
dc.publisherInstitute of Cancer Research (University Of London)
dc.titleOn the Co-Dependence of Cell Morphology and Biochemistry in Cancer
dc.typeThesis or Dissertation
pubs.organisational-groupICR/Primary Group
pubs.organisational-groupICR/Primary Group/ICR Divisions
pubs.organisational-groupICR/Primary Group/ICR Divisions/Cancer Biology
pubs.organisational-groupICR/Primary Group/ICR Divisions/Cancer Biology/Dynamical Cell Systems
pubs.organisational-groupICR/Students/PhD and MPhil
pubs.organisational-groupICR/Students/PhD and MPhil/19/20 Starting Cohort
icr.researchteamDynamical Cell Systems
dc.contributor.icrauthorJones, Ian
uketdterms.institutionInstitute of Cancer Research
icr.provenanceDeposited by Mr Barry Jenkins (impersonating Mr Ian Jones) on 2024-03-25. Deposit type is initial. No. of files: 1. Files: Ian Jones PhD thesis.pdf

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